I love student ministry.
Every week there is expectation that God is going to show up and do some amazing things in the lives of students. There is the hope that the light will come "on" and a teenager will really understand God's love and pursue Him. Watching students grow in their relationship with God is unlike any other experience.
Ironically, student ministry seemingly has the highest of highs and lowest of lows, if that makes sense. Last week seemed to encompass both ends of the spectrum.
Last Saturday night after our service, Jorge, Sammy, Pete, and I attended a funeral for a 19 yr. old student. Funerals stink, but funerals for teenagers seem especially out of place. Praise God...the student knew Jesus, but so many students who attended the funeral did not. As great as it is to see students grow in their faith, the reciprocal is to see the lack of hope in the eyes of lost students. A couple of those students attended CF adult services the next day and gave their lives to Christ. Amazing. Hopelessness to hope...that truly is awesome.
Sunday was a great day in student ministry...a couple of things happened that struck me as amazing.
Alex, one of our girls who is a junior this year, serves as a greeter in front of our adult worship center to inform students of our service for students. Last weekend, while greeting with Alex, three teenagers were going into the adult service that I had not seen before. They were dressed in camoflage and goth outfits, complete with piercings and the typical dress. How they dress doesn't matter...we are stoked to see any student who is willing to come to church.
Here's my point. Most students shy away from students that look or dress that differently than they do. Even student greeters. I thought for sure I would have to coax a greeter to take them to the student area and show them around.
I was wrong.
Just as I was greeting our guests, Alex showed up with a smile and said "you have to check out the student service!". She took them quickly to the student area and showed them around. They stayed for the service and two of them invited Jesus into their lives. Amazing. Eight students made decisions for Christ over the weekend, which blows me away every time. When God moves in the lives of students it's fun to be part of it.
Here's a big shout out to Alex!
Clearly, the highs of student ministry are preferred. But I am thankful for the difficult times that remind us of our mission: we can never be comfortable or just "hope" we are effective. We must pray like crazy, plan effectively, and disciple intentionally.
Our mission is great...let's do this!
Praise God, man - that's awesome!
Man, this was awesome. When I came back from the 12:30 main service and saw them entering your office... can't explain how happy I felt.
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