Tuesday, March 16, 2010

8 days in Haiti

Here's the ironic thing about this post: I can think of 2000 things that should be articulated, but can't figure out quite how to say them. Even after being home a few days.

Haiti is just that kind of place right now.

We partnered with a church in Leogone, Haiti...about an hour outside the capital of Port Au Prince.

Our prayer was that the Gospel would bring healing more than our nurses or our supplies or anything else we could do. We saw some great things last week:

-12 people began a relationship with Jesus.
-almost 800 patients were attended to by our nurses
-Unicef and the UN are providing some shelter, food and clean up for the church.

During one of our meetings with the UN, I saw this chart on the commander's wall; a sad reminder of how 5 seconds can change so many lives.

I'll keep thinking. As I organize the thoughts, I'll put them here.

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